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Thursday, 24 February 2011

New mobile site for wedding memories

Wedding Memoriesare pleased to announce the launch of our new mobile site to compliment the full website for Our Wedding Memories. You can view the full website at, obviously this is better viewed from a mobile device.

Only paid listings are being displayed on the mobile site so if you wish to be listed here, you will need to purchase or reactivate a listing as soon as possible.

With the continuing increase in mobile device usage and number of visitors visiting the main website from such devices, they feel this will be a useful addition to the service we provide. It will also make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for, visit advertisers websites and make enquiries from these devices.

The site is now set up so that if a visitor does arrive at the site using a mobile device they are automatically redirected to the home page of the mobile site where it is a simple case of a few clicks to arrive at the area of the site they require. There is a return link back to the main site on all pages should visitors prefer this option.